Latest archaeology News | Page 3

Archaeologists identify Moluccan boats on NT rock art drawings
Silent witnesses: further dark secrets of Batavia shipwreck laid bare
Who owned this Stone Age jewellery? New forensic tools offer an unprecedented answer
New ACT Heritage Council appointed
Dinner and show: Roman ruins reveal luxury winery doubled as entertainment venue
Consultation to improve protection of shipwrecks in WA waters
Heritage specialists onsite to protect and preserve Glenrowan history
“Exquisite” sabertooth skull offers clues about Ice Age predator
More progress for Northern Correctional Facility
Flinders rises in key QS World University Rankings
New members sought for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Council
Engineering and Technology strongest in latest QS subject rankings
Australia-Iceland Double Taxation Convention and Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention recommended for ratification
Essay collection rethinks history of plaster casts
Enigmatic ruins across Arabia hosted ancient ritual sacrifices
Pioneer of precious taonga conservation: Dilys Johns
Unlocking secrets of WA’s superstitious past
A fish-eye view of Bondi rockpools and the secret life of plankton revealed: the Maritime Museum at the Volvo Ocean Lovers Festival
Four Australian Aboriginal spears taken by James Cook to be returned to traditional owners
Exhibition of design guidelines for General Aviation Precinct at Merimbula Airport
Bark painting mystery gives artist important place in family tree
Exploring heritage sites at NT National Park
AFP women keeping Australians safe through science
How to find purpose in life and work: new book
Bringing history to life
A&S secures gifts, embarks on McGraw Hall renovation
Violence was widespread in early farming society
Can customary harvesting of NZ’s native species be sustainable? Archaeology and palaeo-ecology provide some answers
Why rituals have been crucial for humans throughout history – and why we still need them
How views from space have changed way we see Earth
Museum launches summer of shipwrecks
Scandal that rocked Australian art world
Autonomous vehicle technology provides non-intrusive exploration on Western Pacific Island
Almost $20m for Otago researchers in Marsden grants
Lego Tutankhamun marks century-old discovery of king’s tomb
Archaeological artefacts found on Norfolk Island
Priceless Archaeological Artefacts Found in Norfolk Island National Park by Local Citizen Scientist
App taps into distant past in bid to aid tolerance
Central Asia identified as key route for early human migration
Stone projectile skills help foragers occupy rainforests during southern Asia migration
PNG megafauna abound to 20,000 years ago
IPad Pro is revolutionizing how archaeologists preserve history of Pompeii
New insights into desert climate and human occupation
Massive outback rock art site reveals ancient narrative
Statistical analysis aims to solve Greek volcano mystery
Archaeological conference expands discussion beyond colonial roots
Earliest Gibbon Fossil Found in Southwest China
Researchers piece together story of ancient Roman city – one artifact at time