Latest Australian National University News | Page 8

Experts say radical shift needed in our relationship with the environment
New evidence suggests the world’s largest known asteroid impact structure is buried deep in southeast Australia
Ozempic is in the spotlight but it’s just the latest in a long and strange history of weight-loss drugs
Could an afternoon nap help us cope with hotter temperatures? It’s worked for our First Nations people
In the future, we could snuff out cyclones. But weather control comes with new risks
‘Limitless’ energy: how floating solar panels near the equator could power future population hotspots
ARC research hub to pave the way towards zero-emission power generation technologies
Lachlan Riley Accounts for CAANZ Scholarship
CEF Yass Valley Celebrates 25 Years
Supporting young people
$64 million in funding for new ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres and ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hubs
Pioneering national genomics initiative to fight cancer launched at UNSW
5 outcomes from CVC meeting held 25 July
100 Future Fellows Awarded Funding
Genomic profiling offers hope for 23,000 cancer patients
Pioneering national genomics initiative gives 23,000 Australians their best fighting chance against the toughest cancers
Supporting Defence’s intellectual edge
Researchers find evidence of a 2,000-year-old curry, the oldest ever found in Southeast Asia
Curious Kids: what does a nuclear bomb actually do?
Bigger, wilder, more destructive: How cold fronts affected the Black Summer bushfires
Board appointments for Australian Renewable Energy Agency
With less than a year to go, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is in a dreadful mess. These 5 steps are needed to fix it
Anangu country story wins Chief Minister’s NT History Book Award
Major grant to study how heatwaves affect maternal and child health
CanTEST final report finds strong community support
Precision medicine for Indigenous communities
Eastern bettongs return to NSW after 100-year absence in historic wildlife reintroduction project
Members appointed to a new renewable energy industry advisory board
Data collection underway in ground-breaking First Nations-led cancer study
Hydrogen, mining and wine projects receive funding
Joint statement – Disaster management expert heads review of disaster governance
Disaster management expert heads review of Disaster Governance
Westpac Economics Leadership
China is pumping out carbon emissions as if COVID never happened. That’s bad news for the climate crisis
Five steps to a world of intelligent life
The ancient practice of livestock guardian dogs is highly successful on Australian farms today
Why are there hopping mice in Australia but no kangaroos in Asia? It’s a long story
Why Indonesia wants Australia’s help to supply the world with electric vehicles and batteries
Trailblazer to iLAuNCH Australia into space
On trail of Boof tiger shark
A decade on, the NDIS has had triumphs, challenges and controversies. Where to from here?
What’s On in July at National Library
How should a robot explore the Moon? A simple question shows the limits of current AI systems
Outstanding result for Australia’s Group of Eight Universities
Transformative partnerships vital on path to net zero
Council of Australian-Arab Relations grants program
The Black Summer bushfires put an enormous strain on families with young children. We can’t make the same mistakes again
Heat spots reveal growth rate of a galaxy 12 billion years ago