Latest autoimmune diseases News | Page 3

Thousands of Australian children living with chronic pain unable to access proper care
Booster shots: What you need to know
World Soil Day highlights role of soil biodiversity in boosting food production and nutrition
$41.7 million boost to commercialise lifesaving medical discoveries
ARC Discovery Projects success
Viertel Foundation Awards $4.09m to medical research
Cancer treatment could be replicated for COVID-19
New graphene-based antibody test developed for detecting kidney disease
Novel inflammation drug in development
Key to immune system inflammation discovered
Ancient rites of cell death revealed
New potential weapon found in battle against cancer and inflammatory diseases
Partnership to progress treatments for Sjogren’s syndrome
COVID19 prevention trial opens for high risk healthcare workers
Palmer buys 32,900,000 doses of Hydroxychloroquine for Australians
New to profession, recent UNE nursing alums share their stories on front line of global pandemic
New restrictions on prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
Gut bacteria and immune system-mapping out interactions
Sex-specific traits of immune system explain men’s susceptibility to obesity
Unearthing a new form of toxic inflammation
New pieces added to molecular puzzle of rheumatoid arthritis
Research pinpoints rogue cells at root of autoimmune disease
Immune cells consult with neighbors to make decisions
Paving way towards a new anti-inflammatory agent
All in your genes: new tool investigates on and off switch for genes
Immunity boost from ancient DNA
Dr Michael Mosley to deliver free public talk on obesity and depression
Maintaining shelf-stable drugs
Gut health key to effective biomedical research
GSK puts Australian researchers on Discovery Fast Track