Latest biological News | Page 13

Futurists predict a point where humans and machines become one. But will we see it coming?
$15 million for mitochondrial disease research
Creating 3D objects with sound
Major advance in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
2022 Yoshinori Ohsumi Fund for Fundamental Research Awarded to Two Researchers
Study Reveals that Soft Gums are More Prone to Inflammation
Wheeled Robot Measures Leaf Angles to Help Breed Better Corn Plants
Biomolecular sliding at nanoscale
New program to upskill arts students with STEM knowledge
Defence Artificial intelligence research network contracts signed
Conservation groups welcome completion of High Seas Treaty
Most detailed geological model reveals Earth’s past 100 million years
Scientists just revealed the most detailed geological model of Earth’s past 100 million years
Real AI will need biology: computers powered by human brain cells
‘Swarmalators’ better envision synchronized microbots
Differences in animal biology can affect cancer drug development
Neuroscientist recognised as rising research star with prestigious Fellowship
When will invasive species be considered native?
ATAGI recommendations on use of Moderna bivalent Covid vaccine
This clinical trial is testing a new cure for a deadly rare blood cancer
New fire station to guard Sydney’s south west
Cairns foster carers feature in statewide recruitment campaign
HKUST Honors Outstanding Non-academic Staff Members
Funding flags hope for MS treatment and prevention
Record low sea ice levels mixed bag for Antarctic voyage
Animals’ ‘sixth sense’ more widespread than previously thought
People in urban areas have worse hay fever symptoms, analysis suggests
Passerine bird takes advantage of human settlements
What’s the ‘weight set point’, and why does it make it so hard to keep weight off?
Virus detection sparks mosquito warning for Kimberley
ARC project helps barley breeders in fight against disease
Initiative signals greater University-industry collaboration
Whales give up singing to fight for love
Cold viruses may have helped curb Africa’s Covid deaths
Men ageing gracefully: more testosterone may not be key
Food coloring, anti-caking nanoparticles may affect human gut
Snakes can hear more than you think
Time of day may determine amount of fat burned by exercise
Who moves and who pays? Managed retreat is hard, but lessons from the past can guide us
Weill Cornell Medicine grants to advance lymphoma research
WHO in collaboration with IATA have trained trainers on the shipping of infectious substances
NSW Labor Must Provide Details on Conversion Practices
Discovery at 2.9-Million-Year-Old African Site Prompts New Consideration of Who Made First Stone Tools
Navigating Complex Biological Systems with Smart Fibers
Ngugi scientist and artist receives prestigious Australian Academy of Science Award
New bird brain study shows evolving a big brain depends on having ‘good’ parents
Penguin Physics: Understanding the Mechanisms of Underwater Turning Maneuvers in Penguins
ATAGI recommendations on use of Pfizer bivalent Covid vaccine 8 February