Latest consultation paper News | Page 3

Expert Panel To Guide Emergency Services Levy Reform
Annual Pricing Review – Provider Consultation Period Extended
AMA stands with Senator and allies for ban on genetic tests in life insurance
AusBiotech submits feedback on TGA fees and charges consultation
New net-free fishing zones planned for Gulf of Carpentaria and adjustment package for industry
Bringing order and consistency to local council meetings in WA
Consultation on RTWSA fees for medical services 2024-25
Government considers penalties for employers liable for worker deaths
Offshore gas must not bypass genuine consultation with traditional owners, local community
Strengthening safety net for SA homebuilders
Opinion piece: merger policy is critical
ARENA submission on the Sustainable Liquid Fuels Strategy – Consultation paper
ARENA submission on the ESB EVSE Standing data – Consultation paper
ARENA submission on ESB EV Smart Charging Issues Paper
Review to get better deal for families and farmers
Evidence backs case for critical merger law reform
2023 -24 Annual Pricing Review consultation papers released
Annual Pricing Review consultation paper released
Christchurch Airport pricing decisions ‘reasonable’ says Commission
Skills Passport consultation begins
EVC response to the Queensland Competition Authority’s Interim consultation paper, Regulated electricity prices for regional Queensland 2024-25
Have your say on improving reserve land management
New Aged Care Act consultation now open
Securing Australia’s cyber future through a new era of public-private partnership
Release of the Literacy and Numeracy Inquiry Consultation Paper
Ensuring the orderly phase-out of coal during the NSW transition to renewables
IHACPA releases the Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2024-25
Consultation begins on reforming Emergency Services Levy
Government consults on next reforms in response to PwC tax leaks scandal
Next steps in modernising Australia’s payments system
Investor Roundtable to help modernise our economy and maximise our advantages
COTA welcomes Federal Government consultation on retirement phase of superannuation
Key liquidity policy review decisions announced – Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua
Leaked paper shows disregard for hundreds of thousands of vulnerable Kiwi workers
Podiatric surgery needs reform: AMA submission
Government takes next step in fight against scams
New laws for juvenile knife sale ban introduced to Parliament
Consultation open on the use of genetic testing results in life insurance underwriting
New gas supply needed in all net zero pathways: EY report
TRC to take landholder concerns on CSG to the State Government
You can have your say on future of coexistence
Consultation on merger reform
Opinion piece: Nation’s productivity demands fairness in merger process
Learned Academies and Leukaemia Foundation join forces to accelerate blood cancer research
Next stage of public sector whistleblowing reform
First Nations Clean Energy Strategy consultation now open
First Nations communities to have their say on the energy transformation
Consultation for Rural Generalist Medicine as a specialist field closes in four weeks – have your say