Latest dietary habits News

Researchers Investigate the Dietary Impacts of Dairy within the Japanese Population
Mixed Diets Balance Nutrition And Carbon Footprint
Participants needed as study seeks to unlock urban appetites
How food preferences are linked to cognition and brain health – and why a balanced diet is superior
How Can We Get More People To Eat Climate-smart?
Diet And Breast Cancer: Alcohol Increases Risk
Study shows importance of coaching as part of lifestyle programs for women planning pregnancy
Our ancient primate ancestors had an appetite for soft fruits – and their diet shaped human evolution
WHO’s WhatsApp Channel hits 5 million followers
Thai health improvement program helps prevent weight gain in people with early psychosis
Study links obesity and sleep
Eating habit woes: Aussie diet downfall
Dairy vs plant-based foods and the relationship to oral health
Diet cycling impacts spatial memory: rat study
App resulted in better dietary habits and less screen time in young children
Breast Milk Nutrition Boosted by Fruits, Veggies: Study
Study confirms that processed foods key to rising obesity
Appetite for reform in youth detention