Latest Mars News | Page 5

Earth sciences researchers locate billion-year-old groundwater in South Africa
Researchers turn Martian air, dirt and sunlight into iron
‘I knew I had to change’: Senior NASA official pursues MBA as space economy booms
Police charge man with 3 fire in Cannington district
Scientists seek meteorite footage
Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games: City of Ballarat focused on transformational legacy for our city and region
Earth’s crust has been ‘dripping’ beneath Andes Mountains for millions of years: Researchers
Geoscientists confirm millions-year-old dripping of Earth’s crust beneath Andes Mountains
Why Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games marathon should be in Ballarat
Giant Leap for space industry R&D in NSW
Fiona Cheung provides generous donation to PolyU to establish Endowed Professorship in Spatial Science
Roving red planet – Monash students take off to University Rover Challenge
Christchurch talent shines through film production revolution
New insights into rock erosion on Mars could pinpoint when planet may have been habitable
Mars Food Australia, Sodexo and Foodbank Cook Off
Pub talks take science to people
Curtin teams with NASA JPL spin-off Chascii in spacecraft optical communications
Venus and Jupiter to get hearts racing with celestial “kiss”
Healthier Smiles Community Service Grants are now open
Growing next generation of young indigenous leaders
Meteorites from red desert of Australia support search for life on red planet Mars
Kraft Heinz and Microsoft join forces to accelerate supply chain innovation as part of broader digital transformation
Bulldogs to host Crows at Mars Stadium
Backyard astronomers win recognition from professionals
Superbasin project unearths geological history
Good eggs, bad eggs: how you can help end slavery in chocolate industry
Greater representation of women in public spaces takes another step forward
Why your love of chocolate could be bittersweet
Crypto, blockchain and NFTs: Andreas Veneris explains fast-moving digital assets space
Wind turbines, helicopters, weather and why turbulence matters
Magma makes marsquakes rock Red Planet
To Moon-and Beyond
Meteorites That Helped Form Earth May Have Formed in Outer Solar System
ANSTO and startup contributing to Australian space research and development
Ballarat wakes up Green and Black
University scientists lead conversation on growing space economy
English language education set to help stimulate Australia’s economy
English language education set to help stimulate Queensland’s economy
Give me some space tradies
Why is sky blue?
Mars to continue naming rights of Ballarat stadium
How easy is it to create oxygen from water on Mars?
How Mars lost its oceans
Shocked zircon find ‘one-off gift’ from Mars
Cornell software enables 3D printing on space station
Backing more Aussie space companies to soar
World Science Festival Brisbane programmed for scientific surprises in 2022
Enduring buzz around bees inspires art and culture through ages