Latest Nature Communications News | Page 2

Research reveals new hope for obesity-induced heart disease
Team Explores Role of Stimulator of Interferon Genes in Body’s Innate Immune System
Most of land humans need to thrive is unprotected
Diversified crop rotations improve soil health, environmental impact and yield
In chatty midshipman fish, midbrain awakens gift of gab
Ultra-thin lithium strips show great promise as anode material for enhanced lithium ion batteries
Colour of Dragonflies Changes throughout Year
ISU researchers discover crucial step in creating blood stem cells
Aggressive colon tumor may be vulnerable to cholesterol therapy
HKUST Researchers Report the High-res Structure of a Cyanobacterial Virus
Simplifying Way Cell Proliferation is Monitored in Mice
How Immune Cells Recognize their Enemies
Snail-inspired robot could scoop ocean microplastics
Photonic chip that ‘fits together like Lego’ opens door to local industry
New perspective on limits of survival and liveability in extreme heat
Researchers fix chirality of helical proteins
Engineering ancestral antibiotics for the future
Bacteria and stomach cancer: breaking link
Neurodegeneration in myelin disease: no myelin is better than bad myelin
Toward Sustainable Energy Applications with Breakthrough in Proton Conductors
High-power fibre lasers emerge as a pioneering technology
Temperature variability reduces nesting success
Pivotal role of TLR7 protein revealed in lung disease
Sleep length and shift work send blood pressure rising
Exercise at consistent times could help re-align your body clocks for better skeletal health and performance, scientists suggest
Trust is good, control is safer
HKUST Researchers Develop Microprinter for Ultrafast Piezoelectric Material Printing
Local adaptation may buffer some birds against climate change
Preventing Exhaustion of T Cells
We built a ‘brain’ from tiny silver wires. It learns in real time, more efficiently than computer-based AI
Nanowire ‘brain’ network learns and remembers ‘on fly’
New hope to treat and reverse osteoarthritis
Ocean warming is accelerating, and hotspots reveal which areas are absorbing the most heat
Key muscle protein may unlock the mystery of chronic mosquito-borne viral illness
Fruit, nectar, bugs and blood: How bat teeth and jaws evolved for a diverse dinnertime
Sharks’ cancer secret also puts them at risk: study
Mimics human tissue, fights bacteria: new biomaterial hits the sweet spot
Genomic Stability: Double-Edged Sword for Sharks
Superlensing without a superlens: microscopes boosted beyond limits
NASA’s Psyche asteroid mission: a 3.6 billion kilometre ‘journey to the centre of the Earth’
AI Models Identify Biodiversity in Tropical Rainforests
How – and why – did homosexual behaviour evolve in humans and other animals?
X-rays reveal microstructural fingerprints of 3D-printed alloy
Vaccine via the nasal passage could be the new line of defence against Strep A
Electronic sensor the size of a single molecule a potential game-changer
Researchers confirm link between balding and skin cancer
When cells go boom: study reveals inflammation-causing gene carried by millions
Listening to atoms moving at the nanoscale: study