Latest Nature Communications News | Page 8

Uncovering triggers of severe Covid in kids
‘Swarming’ microrobots display versatile movement
Researchers Create Self-Assembled Logic Circuits From Proteins
Warning signal for volcanic eruptions could be life-saving discovery
Study finds south China has become more vulnerable to flash droughts that develop
Signaling pathway in immune cells could be Alzheimer’s target
Silicon-carbide modulator overcomes decades long ‘missing block’
Quantum teleportation: express lane for quantum data traffic
New discovery in animal exoskeletons leads to advances in designing construction materials
Malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape origin found
DNA discovery reveals critical ‘accordion effect’ for switching off genes
Material that Could Save Industries Heat
Magma makes marsquakes rock Red Planet
Scientists reveal new cell pathways involved in Parkinson’s disease
Into wild to fight antibiotic resistance
UQ research to keep batteries going and going…
Alpaca nanobodies potently neutralize SARS-CoV-2 variants
Large moons may be clue for habitable planets
Study identifies new protection mechanism in breast cancer
New insight into possible origins of life
Uncovering mechanism driving antimicrobial resistance
Germline Stem Cell Biology team wins ARC Discovery grant
Breakthrough opens door to low-cost green hydrogen
ANSTO scientist awarded Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science by Australian Academy of Science
ANSTO scientist awarded Nancy Millis Medal for Woman in Science by Australian Academy of Science
Earthquake fracture energy relates to how quake stops
Discovery may help reduce side effects of MS drugs
Study exposes role of sea ice in protecting Antarctic coast 4 March 2022
Inorganic Borophene Liquid Crystals: Superior New Material for Optoelectronic Devices
Cancer: When viruses and bacteria cooperate
Fine tuning materials for energy storage using architectural design and structural engineering
Fine tuning materials using architectural design and structural engineering for energy storage
RNA molecules control repair of human DNA in cancer cells
Organic compounds on Ceres
Antibiotics affects gut microbes of newborns
Researchers shed new light on devastating drug-resistant bacteria
Researchers identify mechanism by which fatigue cracks grow
Researcher first Australian to receive Houtermans Award
Hemoglobin acts as chemosensory cue for mother mice to protect pups
Colonic gene mapping gives insights into intestinal diseases
How easy is it to create oxygen from water on Mars?
Planting trees in pastureland provides significant cooling in tropics
Mosquitoes are seeing red: Why new findings about their vision could help you hide from these disease vectors
Cervical samples could reveal risk of breast and ovarian cancer
Study Reveals How Migraine Pain Signals Are Generated-and Blocked
Finding geological Goldilocks zone for rare green metals
Imaging illuminates biological light switch
Altered gene expression and cell interactions involved in COPD