Latest nzpol News | Page 56

Minimum wage hike will cost jobs, slow growth
Even taxman saw harm in a Capital Gains Tax
Strong start to home consents in 2019
Warning for Government as economy slows
Flexible leave and work arrangements common
Fibre uptake by businesses doubles in four years
Port decision should be based on merit
Royal Commission not an excuse to ignore security concerns
Lamb exports climb to record levels
Royal Commission needed into Christchurch attacks
National supports firearms reform
Service industries drive GDP growth
Current account deficit unchanged at $2.5 billion
Opposition Leader’s Address to Parliament on Christchurch terror attacks
Otago tops regional GDP increases
Opposition Leader visits Christchurch
Opposition Leader condemns Christchurch attack
Net migration provisionally at 58,400
Total international travellers pass 14 million
Nash acting like Minister Against Small Business
Taxpayers paying for Mr Twyford’s mistakes
Guest nights flat in January
Butter prices go into meltdown
Wellington bustastrophe is now a Govt failure
Labour removing ECE choice from families
Govt won’t rule out taxing family home
CGT valuations would pile on costs, benefit no-one
KiwiSaver nest eggs grow $5,000 in three years
Steady growth in retail card spending
CGT would hit over 400,000 properties in New Zealand
Meat and dairy up in December
Auckland’s commercial construction drives growth
Nash must be deaf to SME concerns over CGT
Quiet December quarter for wholesale trade
CGT would take every dollar of Kiwis’ real gains
More tax on NZ & Aust. shares will hurt innovators
Farmers not cash cow for more Govt taxes
CensusAtSchool to inspire a new generation of curious minds
Two-way trade with CPTPP countries nears $50 billion
If CGT is bad for Māori, then it’s bad for all Kiwis
CGT a kick in guts for NZ businesses
Bustastrophe shows Govt needs to take charge
Capital Gains Tax will deter R&D
CGT poses $64k question for ordinary Kiwis
Home consents hit 44-year high
Terms of trade slips on lower dairy prices
Business spending on R&D up more than half a billion dollars
Low income not always equal to low wealth