Latest plant science News | Page 2

Wild bumblebee queens lured and killed in commercial hives
New tomato bred to naturally resist pests and curb disease
Broccoli looks more like cauliflower in warmer world
Some no-till crop rotations on dairy farms could benefit from strategic tillage
Concord grape innovation awards highlight new opportunities
Mechanical Harvesting of Hard Cider Apples is More Economical than Hand Harvesting
Cornell leads $3M project to grow organic dry bean industry
Study IDs genes that can help fruit adapt to drought
App creates time-lapse videos with smartphone
University research excellence highly cited
Projects to support NYS economy, farms, communities
Ag-Biotech Summit to feature sustainable food
Honeycrisp genome will help scientists breed better apples
Research Unplugged continues its fall speaker series
Researchers get USDA-NIFA grant to study corn-soil fungi interactions, symbiosis
ARC Linkage to drive hemp food crop quality controls for Aussie growers
Growing gains in black rice and hemp
Wheat plants yield mechanism to flourish
A new discovery shows major flowering plants are 150 million years older than previously thought
Worldwide flower family bloomed 50 million years before dinosaurs
Flavonoids from sorghum plants kill fall armyworm pest on corn; may protect crop
Plant molecular geneticists discover, and begin to crack, epigenetic code
Next generation scientists to tackle plant problems
Researchers studying leaf angle aim to improve yields, inspire young scientists
15 years of experiments have overturned a major assumption about how thirsty plants actually are
Sustainable practices linked to farm size in organic farming
Sowing seeds for better food crops