Latest research council News | Page 15

Fluoridated drinking water in Newman set to combat tooth decay
Setting PACE – Primary Aldosteronism research boost
Funding better future for preterm babies
From stock markets to brain scans, new research harmonises hundreds of scientific methods to understand complex systems
7 years, billions of kilometres, a handful of dust: NASA just brought back the largest-ever asteroid sample
Is it normal to forget words while speaking? And when can it spell a problem?
Chance discovery shows promise in finding treatment for genetic disorder
We need urban trees more than ever – here’s how to save them from extreme heat
Gleeson, Lyon lead project studying labor migration programs
Carbon removal: why ambitious ‘no nonsense’ plans are vital to limit global heating to 2℃
You can’t explore solar system on empty stomach
University team gears up for NASA capsule return
Fluoride to be added to Marulan’s new Water Treatment Plant
Children do better at school if their fathers read and play with them
Disrupting a core metabolic process in T cells may improve their therapeutic efficacy
Most pink diamonds were birthed by a disintegrating supercontinent. Where can we find more?
Molecular properties are only weakly correlated, study finds
Honest conversation about alcohol and cancer
What are ‘planetary boundaries’ and why should we care?
£½ million funding announced to find new treatment for oesophageal cancer
The DRIVERS force behind improving rural-based healthcare research
New clues to nature of elusive dark matter
New clues to nature of illusive dark matter
Seagrass restoration trial on track to deliver big wins for fishing in Hobart?
What does having a ‘good relationship with food’ mean? 4 ways to know if you’ve got one
Electric vehicle fires are very rare. The risk for petrol and diesel vehicles is at least 20 times higher
Predicting events with the help of machine learning
Koala need their booster shots too. Here’s a way to beat chlamydia with just 1 capture and less trauma
Devastatingly low Antarctic sea ice may be the ‘new abnormal’, study warns
Signs of life? Why astronomers are excited about carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere of an alien world
We just blew past 1.5 degrees. Game over on climate? Not yet
Australia faces solar waste crisis
Apple wants to know if you’re happy or sad as part of its latest software update. Who will this benefit?
Is standing at your desk actually better than sitting? Here’s what the evidence says
How we brought mistletoes back to the trees of Melbourne – while warding off hungry possums
What do neurons, fireflies and dancing the Nutbush have in common?
Many people hate wasps, but they’re smarter than you might think – and ecologically important
Exposing Australia’s online trade in pest plants – we’ve found thousands of illegal advertisements
10-year feral cat plan brings us a step closer to properly protecting endangered wildlife
Tonga eruption caused fastest ever underwater flow
What is cognitive functional therapy? How can it reduce low back pain and get you moving?
Griffith research into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder wins $1.49m grant
Fireflies, brain cells, dancers: new synchronisation research shows nature’s perfect timing is all about connections
Supporting Sydney’s hospital workers with the Festival of Care
Farmers are famously self-reliant. Why not use farm dams as mini-hydro plants?
Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services
Islamic assets weather financial storms
Engineering of plant cell wall modifying enzymes opens new horizons