Latest scientists News | Page 32

STA welcomes ARC review recommendations
Dark order in universe
Aquatic outbreak resources now available
Immune system protein may help defeat flesh-eating bacteria
Australia’s scientists welcome review of ARC Act
ANSTO researcher recognised for contribution using modelling methods to defence science
Nature-study reveals new mechanism for DNA folding
Labor Government saves Australian Marine Science and North Queensland jobs
Metal-poor stars are more life-friendly
Marine Science Institute Funding Shortfall threatens QLD Jobs
Two Ludwig Cancer Research scientists named Fellows of the American Association for Cancer Research
Ludwig Cancer Research scientists to present at AACR Annual Meeting
Green steel produced with ammonia
Astronomers create AI to better communicate their stellar research
Researchers Successfully Establish a Strong Mechanical Bond of Immiscible Iron and Magnesium
New book shines light on migrant worker rights
Internationally recognised scientists confirm benefits of red meat and livestock production
New details of Tully monster revealed
Science statement can inspire culture change
Neurosurgery and Neuroscience welcome new McNair Scholars
Funding up for grabs for environmental initiatives
Discussions continue on future of Great Barrier Reef
Singing the blues: more whale songs detected during La Niña years
Taking fish monitoring to new depths
Synchrotron techniques reveal structural details of fossilised fragment of a rare Australian dinosaur skull
School science takes Quantum leap in Great Southern
Massive study pinpoints Covid prevention strategies for kids
How milk tamed the Third Pole: research reveals a 3,500-year history of dairy consumption on the Tibetan Plateau
Dairy Foods Helped Ancient Tibetans Thrive in one of Earth’s Most Inhospitable Environments
Risky strategy helps migratory birds offset climate change
More biodiversity at field edge
Bumper boost to R&D should power Accord
Increased flushing vital to Coorong’s long-term health
Are you missing out on super benefits of chia seeds?
PCFA Research “Holy Grail”: Stopping metastatic prostate cancer cells spreading undetected
CSIRO study uncovers the secret to long-term weight loss success
AGA expands workforce and research diversity work with NIH grant
Four different autism subtypes identified in brain study
Logo and its history
Getting ready for City Nature Challenge
NZ “ballerina sponge” in top 10 new species list
Warm liquid spewing from Oregon seafloor comes from Cascadia fault, could offer clues to earthquake hazards
Cornell, Micron bring nanoscience to middle schoolers
Antibody targets omicron and other SARS-CoV-2 variants
Researchers capture first atomic-scale images depicting early stages of particle accelerator film formation
Formula predicts effects of noise on quantum information
Tiny eye movements are under a surprising degree of cognitive control
Survival is disgusting matter