Latest star formation News

Scientists will study nearby galaxies to uncover galactic formation history and dark matter
Surprising Ring Sheds Light On Galaxy Formation
New JWST observations reveal black holes rapidly shut off star formation in massive galaxies
Giant galactic explosion exposes galaxy pollution in action
We mapped a massive explosion in space, showing how galaxies ‘pollute’ the cosmos
NASAs JWST Probes Extreme Starburst Galaxy
Astronomers discover 49 new galaxies in under three hours
We went looking for glowing interstellar gas – and stumbled on 49 unknown galaxies
Why weighty stars hold together
Surprising magnetic galaxy
Radio signals unveil secrets of massive galaxies: study finds
Cradle of possible Earth-like planets found in harsh environment
Gas-rich baby galaxies set the early Universe alight
Bend it like Einstein
Hiccups in starry nursery
When the stars align: Astronomers find answers to mysterious action of ghost stars in our Galaxy
Digging Deeper into Mystery of Planet Formation
‘Gas-trophysics’ symposium expands on work of two Cornell astronomers
Astronomers detected two major targets with a single telescope – a mysterious signal and its source galaxy
Ancient galaxy’s traits revealed using space telescope
Astronomers discover metal-rich galaxies in early universe
Astronomers discover metal-rich galaxy in early universe
Old and new stars paint very different pictures of Triangulum galaxy
Swinburne highly cited researchers rise to top in 2022
Researchers reveal galaxy sparkling with universe’s oldest star clusters
Sanitizer in galactic centre region
Astronomers discover how galaxies form through mergers
Researchers Use Galaxy as ‘Cosmic Telescope’ to Study Heart of Young Universe
Scientists find elusive gas from post-starburst galaxies hiding in plain sight
Wild years of our Milky Way galaxy
Chasing data: Astronomers race to explore ancient galaxies
Astronomers just got better at finding bright black holes
Galaxy murder mystery solved
Early, massive galaxies running on empty
Astronomers find new way to study star formation in galaxies