Latest tooth decay News | Page 2

Are all types of sugar same?
Innovative Dental Care Improves Choice and Access
Curious kids: what is inside teeth?
Not so sweet: research shows growing sugar hit in global food sales
New research indicates sugar-free beverage may erode tooth enamel
Jack N’ Jill puts little Sparkle into kids’ dental routine
ADA looks forward to working with Greens on oral health
Why does oral health of nation’s grandparents matter so little?
Children’s sugar consumption regularly exceeds recommended daily intake
An aspirational plan to fix dental system
Solutions to fix broken dental system
Putting oral health at top of to-do list this World Oral Health Day
Survey shows decline in kids oral health habits
What role can dentists play in reducing obesity among their patients?
Sweet nothings: Frozen drinks have far more sugar than recommended intake
FDI World Dental Federation challenges people to be “Mouth Proud”
ADA commitment to low-sugar intake bolstered by new AMA campaign
Tooth cavities provide unique ecological insight into living primates and fossil humans
Here comes festive season: 3 tooth-friendly tips for Christmas
Soft drinks’ sweet appeal
Sugar tax curbs consumption but only when obvious to consumer
App may take bite out of dental visit for preschool kids
Change to improve fluoridation of community drinking water
World Cavity-Free Future Day 2021: Putting oral health back on agenda
Children from wealthy backgrounds at greater risk of tooth wear
COVID-19 restrictions lead to poorer oral health and long-term problems
Western Australian health agencies urge banning of junk food ads
Trick is in treat say Australia’s dentists
Study shows traditional six-month dental check-ups not necessary for healthy adults
Study shows teachers play an essential role in influencing children’s health
World Cavity-Free Future Day says oral health is everyone’s responsibility
Dentist’s message: Alcohol harms mouth as much as rest of body
Food industry marketing sugary baby foods as healthy, misleading consumers
Smile Across Generations this World Cavity-Free Future Day
Wealthier New Zealanders are more likely to buy fluoride-free toothpaste, making a tooth decay ‘epidemic’ worse
Widening childhood obesity gap leaves communities behind
Challenges that come with being a horse dentist
“Be a Mouth Keeper”: Looking after your oral health during pandemic
Oral health program for Aboriginal children in rural NSW shows results
Get sugar savvy
South Australians urged to be mindful of sugar
Australia’s oral health getting worse … and COVID is not helping
Kiwi pre-schoolers losing teeth to painful, preventable tooth decay
Early detection is key with head and neck cancer
Science sweetens native honey health claims
Smile: Atomic imaging finds root of tooth decay
UNE CUP Scholars help distribute oral health supply kits for 44,000 Maine children in need
Oral health of millions in hands of government