Latest UNEP News

New UN report: Rise in nitrous oxide emissions endangers pathway to 1.5°C, the ozone layer, and human health
Progress in national climate policy efforts remains insufficient to achieve 2030 targets
Quadripartite partners organize High-Level One Health Meeting in collaboration with the Brazil’s Ministry of Health at the G20 Summit
Tackling food loss and waste from the farm to the table and beyond
World leaders commit to decisive action on antimicrobial resistance
UNGA79: World leaders commit to decisive action on antimicrobial resistance
New global guidance aims to curb antibiotic pollution from manufacturing
FAO launches updated guidelines to tackle extreme wildfires
Visiting Legal Fellows 2024-2025 – Jacqueline Peel and Shiri Krebs
Nations unite to eliminate mercury-containing medical devices
Guidance for One Health field epidemiology workforce development
Representing Australia At UNEA-6
Nature is staging a comeback: UN recognizes seven World Restoration Flagships
WHO Medically Important Antimicrobial List 2024
University awarded United Nations Environment Programme accreditation
COP28: FAO spotlights agrifood systems’ potential to address climate impacts and achieve 1.5°C goal
COP28: FAO marks International Mountain Day 2023 with focus on restoring ecosystems
The Quadripartite launches a guide to support countries implement One Health approach
The scandal of a free pass on fossil fuel export emissions by Australia, Canada, Norway and USA must end to save our…
Preserving antimicrobials for the well-being of humans, animals, plants and ecosystems
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste: FAO calls for circular model in agrifood systems
Youth climate action from Indian states and regions
UN World Oceans Day: Large scale ocean clean up in Indonesia pulls staggering amounts of plastic out of our ocean as the…
IATA and UNEP to Address Key Environmental Challenges in Aviation Including Single-Use Plastics
On first-ever International Day of Zero Waste, FAO puts the spotlight on bioeconomy
Quadripartite call to action for One Health for a safer world
Global leaders meet on Antimicrobial Resistance in Barbados
Countries unite to remove mercury from hazardous skin lightening products
Statement by heads of FAO, IMF, World Bank, WFP and WTO
The Quadripartite Organizations established the Technical Group on Integrated Surveillance on Antimicrobial use and resistance
One Health in G20 countries
FAO at COP15: What comes now?
Quadripartite welcomes new political commitments in fight against antimicrobial resistance
Quadripartite launches new platform to tackle antimicrobial resistance threat to human and animal health and ecosystems
Antimicrobial resistance: Now is time for collective action
Amid food and climate crises, investing in sustainable food cold chains crucial
Billionaire emits million times more greenhouse gases than average person
Climate justice at COP27
World Food Forum: Science, technology and innovation take centre stage in transforming our agrifood systems
One Health Joint Plan of Action launched to address health threats to humans, animals, plants and environment
Presentation of Annual Report of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Why diverse workplace… just works
World must halt deforestation and use forests sustainably, FAO Director-General says
Tackling food loss and waste: triple win opportunity
Bihar State Climate Fellow: Tanmoy Mukherjee
We should, if we can, cool planet back to pre-industrial levels
Women are turning tide on climate policy worldwide, and may launch a new era for Australia
Presenting UNDESA-UNITAR’s analytical paper at Multi-Sector Policy Dialogue between Government of Seychelles and UNCT