Latest University of Canterbury News | Page 9

New CBT degrees to help address inequality in New Zealand
University of Canterbury Engineer spearheads $3m next-gen tech project to clean
New Canterbury postgrad school could hold key to food sustainability
One in 10 parents experienced severe burnout in lockdown, study finds
National medal for University of Canterbury researcher striving for a more equitable world
Researchers help world to breathe free amid Covid-19 resurgence
Air New Zealand Chief Financial Officer appointment
Researchers awarded $3.85million in Marsden Funding for ground-breaking projects
University of Canterbury academics win HRC grants for autism, child sleep problems and brain injury research
Swings, signs and surprises: what to watch for as US presidential election unfolds
University of Canterbury degree first step into dream job as foreign correspondent
World must fathom ‘Trumpism’ – whatever election result
Scholarships enable life-changing research to continue
A cosmic year for University of Canterbury astrophysicist
A long time coming: new book investigates complex story of Ngāi Tahu’s Treaty settlement
Young climate change activist: See change Christchurch
Ngāi Tahu Treaty settlement subject of new University of Canterbury study
Research inspires journey into politics
University of Canterbury inventors win big at NZ’s first HealthTech innovation challenge
Holidays could be answer to COVID blues: research
University of Canterbury launches free global online short courses
University of Canterbury renews hosting rights for Antarctic Headquarters
New book: Tourism and Earthquakes
Pandemics, Protests, and Populists: 2020 Presidential Election
QuakeCoRE awarded $31.5 million TEC funding
Proglacial lakes are accelerating glacier ice loss
Combining education, science and dance
Climate explained: does building and expanding motorways really reduce congestion and emissions
Analysis shows how Greens have changed language of economic debate in New Zealand
Canterbury and Canada combine in online Indigenous Economics course
Night gallery lighting up streets of Christchurch
Shaved heads and sonnenrads: comparing white supremacist skinheads and alt-right in New Zealand
Bridging gap between remote sensing and tree modelling with data science
Could an autonomous vehicle harm you?
Early computer-generated music fascinates international virtual audience
Beethoven concert a rare chance to hear composer’s music on an early piano
Passion for storytelling sparked at UC
A sustainable new solution for ageing, corroding infrastructure
Ōtautahi Christchurch universities rally Aotearoa New Zealand behind roadmap to sustainability
Clean energy future for more schools
Pest control that makes scents
New pest lures to protect nature
Incomes and location affect childhood vaccination in NZ
Physics, biomechanics and love of croquet
Advancing clean energy technology
MBIE funds $13m University of Canterbury research to future-proof NZ electrical grid
Clever solution helps more Covid-19 ICU patients breathe
Climate explained: will tropics eventually become uninhabitable?