Latest UNSW News | Page 39

UNSW Law claims seventh Rhodes Scholar in seven years
NSW Government backs unique NUW Energy project by three of Australia’s leading universities
NUW Energy project to find better energy solutions for all Australians
Platypus should be listed as a threatened species: new report
Landmark research finds [platypus] should be listed as a threatened species
New tractor beam has potential to tame lightning
Rooftop gardens: taking green spaces to new heights
UNSW Sydney to lead hydrogen supply chain study with Germany
Brereton report: what happens next?
UNSW Sydney academics honoured with pre-eminent legal research awards
Yes, Pete Evans, symbols can be very dangerous
UNSW Sydney awarded more than $3.5m for ARC Linkage Projects
Emotional responses to music – without a sound
Music to my fears: stereotypes prejudice our musical tastes
New Resources to Support Trans People After Sexual Assault Released
Alliance of top universities urges G20 leaders to prioritise net zero emissions
WHO-commissioned global systematic review finds high HCV prevalence and incidence among men who have sex with men
COVID contact tracing: Australia needs an automated system
Who’s Australia’s best super-recogniser? This test could help us find them
What do employees really value working in age of COVID-19?
Get fit with HIIT in time for summer
From COVID anxiety to harassment, more needs to be done on safety in taxis and rideshare services
Vital Signs: A global carbon price could soon be a reality – Australia should prepare
Honouring excellence in university marketing, communications and development
To future: finding common moral ground in human-robot relations
Winds of change: what a Biden presidency could bring
How COVID-19 could accelerate rise of smart cities
Engineering materials of future
Healthcare workers almost three times more likely to get COVID-19
Light, liposomes, action: researchers show safer, more targeted way to deliver CRISPR gene therapy
Starve or serve? Real solutions to harsh reality of child labour
New aluminium recycling can drive manufacturing prosperity
Breakthrough can help drive new recycling and manufacturing prosperity
New tractor beam has potential to tame lightning
Antibody study confirms low levels of infection during first wave
How COVID-19 could accelerate rise of smart cities
CEFC backs revolutionary eArc panels in next wave of solar innovation for Australia
Low levels of infection in Sydney during first COVID-19 wave: antibody study
2020 Australian Mental Health Prize: Dual winners named
Concrete architecture: beauty or beast?
Ageing in place: home is where our heart and health is
Navigating next phase of COVID-19: three critical issues for business leaders
Two-Way Influence Between Cognition and Social Connection Outside Home
New ‘robotic snake’ device grips, picks up objects
Corporate criminal liability: complex, unruly and uncertain
How humble sea sponge helped scientists unravel a 700 million-year-old mystery of evolution
COVID-19 vaccine trials at UNSW’s Scientia Clinical Research
Sea sponge unravels 700 million-year-old mystery