Latest World Health Organization News | Page 12

WHO launches “One life, one liver” campaign on World Hepatitis Day
New framework makes accountabilities clear for addressing sexual misconduct at WHO
WHO Director-General updates Member States on progress towards tackling sexual misconduct at quarterly briefing
No excuses on World Hepatitis Day, hepatitis can’t wait
WHO endorses landmark public health decisions on Essential Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis
Member States continue work on potential pandemic accord
WHO to host first global workshop on biodiversity, traditional knowledge, health and well-being
WHO issues rapid communication on use of targeted next-generation sequencing for diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis
WHO urges countries to invest in drowning prevention to protect children
WHO releases new guidance to improve testing and diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
Health workers have a critical role in supporting self-care
New WHO guidance on HIV viral suppression and scientific updates released at IAS 2023
WHO recommends optimizing HIV testing services
Why your brain health matters
Good news for weekend warriors: people who do much of their exercise on a couple of days still get heart benefits
Self-testing could reduce the global impact of syphilis: study
New global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders published
Maximum sodium targets needed for pre-packaged foods in china, new research suggests
Women’s World Cup 2023 – UN Women and FIFA join forces for gender equality
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in NZ’s wild cockles and watercress put people at growing risk of serious illness
Africa CDC, WHO and RKI Launch a Health Security Partnership to Strengthen Disease Surveillance in Africa
Childhood immunization begins recovery after COVID-19 backslide
WHO updates guidelines on fats and carbohydrates
WHO addresses violence against women as a gender equality and health priority
Talking about eating less red and processed meat provokes strong feelings. That’s why this new evidence-based report is welcome
Recognition of Bhutan’s National Reference Laboratory as a National Influenza Centre in the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System
Realising the next PIP Partnership Contribution High-Level Implementation Plan (HLIP) for 2024-2030
Welcoming a new era for respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova
Improving influenza data quality in Timor-Leste through training workshop
Enhancing GISRS respiratory disease surveillance in the Americas through genetic characterization training
Mongolia reviews lessons learned to be better prepared for the next pandemic
Second update of information note on integrated health, trade, IP response to COVID-19 launched
Does artificial sweetener aspartame really cause cancer? What the WHO listing means for your diet soft drink habit
Aspartame hazard and risk assessment results released
Recent HIV RDT market landscape report aims for healthier, more sustainable markets
Ongoing avian influenza outbreaks in animals pose risk to humans
122 million more people pushed into hunger since 2019 due to multiple crises, reveals UN report
Leadership in Emergencies learning journey completed by new AFRO cohort
WHO launches new platform featuring digital resources on ending TB
WHO Director-General discusses priorities on traditional, complementary and integrative healthcare with civil society
‘On my worst day …’ How the NDIS fosters a deficit mindset and why that should change
Announcing the Release Candidate of WHO Digital Open Rule Integrated cause of death Selection (DORIS) tool
Strong progress but patriarchal culture still holding women back, UN experts say: Malta
WHO and UNICEF release toolkit to help countries protect children from harmful food marketing
In Dialogue with the State of Palestine, Experts of the Human Rights Committee Commend the Creation of an Observatory to Combat Gender-Based…
E-learning courses are transforming our way of learning
WHO and HRP Leader in Global Adolescent Health Receives Prestigious Award from Rotary International
Women and girls bear brunt of water and sanitation crisis – new UNICEF-WHO report