How can farmers ensure their practices form commercially viable agribusinesses? From circular economies and naturopathic medicine to making composting cool, a panel of industry experts share their knowledge on turning regenerative practices into profit.
The panel was held at Primex Field Days and included the following speakers:
- Oliver Costello, Founding Director of Jagun Alliance Aboriginal Corporation
- Jackie Morrison, Owner of Honeyvale Farm and Bachelor of Science student
- Pepe Fassos, Owner of Five Sixty Farms
- Professor Jon Wardle, Foundation Director of Southern Cross University’s National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine
- Greg Calvert, Director of FreshChain Systems
- Professor Andrew Rose, academic and environmental engineer at Southern Cross University
- Saadi Allan, Regeneration Connection Expert in Residence.
Discussions included using digital traceability technology to meet compliance requirements, the health benefits of regenerative agriculture, and implementing circular economy principles into farm management.
Owner of Honeyvale Farm and Bachelor of Science (Regenerative Agriculture) student at Southern Cross University, Jackie Morrison, said regenerative agriculture is not just about our connection with food but also our everyday practices.
“We see regenerative practices as our connection with our community and being the link in the chain of a circular economy,” Mrs Morrison said. “We use supermarket waste and distillery by-products and any food waste we can get hold of to feed our animals.”
Professor Andrew Rose expanded on the connection between circular economy and regenerative agriculture: “At its heart, circular economy is about regenerative practice and building a system where we value materials,” he said.
“We need to create supply chains and manufacturing processes that are robust. Quality and regularity of supply is equally important and can create a real barrier to implementing circular economy technologies.”
Speaking to the connection between farming and naturopathic medicine, Professor John Wardle said healthier farming practices make healthier food.
“Food as medicine has bigger economic potential than we realise. It’s not just about the crops and horticulture; it’s about value-adding those products,” he said.
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Photo credit: Primex Field Days