Upgrading cooling and heating in up to 600 Northern Territory homes

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

Residents in up to 600 households in the Northern Territory will benefit from heating and cooling upgrades. This is part of a partnership between the Australian Government and the Northern Territory Government.

$10 million will be jointly invested to upgrade social housing properties in remote NT communities.

The NT has a very diverse climate, ranging from tropical heat to extreme cold.

The partnership will boost the health and well-being of social housing tenants with the installation of air-conditioning appliances.

The governments will prioritise the delivery of energy performance upgrades to social housing tenants, commencing in remote water stressed communities in the Central Australia and Barkley regions.

This investment is part of the Australian Government’s $1.7 billion Energy Savings Package, $300 million of which is helping support energy upgrades for up to 60,000 properties through social housing partnerships with state and territory governments.

/Public Release. View in full here.