Western Australia coronovirus update as at 27 April 2021

The Department of Health has reported four new cases of COVID-19 overnight.

They are three males ­– two in their 30s, one in his 50s – and a female in her 30s, all returned from overseas travel and in hotel quarantine.

The State’s total number now stands at 990.

WA Health is monitoring 28 active cases of COVID-19 and 953 people have recovered from the virus in WA.

To date, the WA Department of Health has administered 89,671 COVID-19 vaccinations, including 21,159 people who have received both doses. Yesterday, 1311 people were vaccinated.

The Commonwealth Government vaccination national roll-out figures can be found on the Australian Department of Health website (external site).

Yesterday, 1736 were tested at WA Health COVID clinics. In addition, 8150 people were also tested at private pathology clinics.

There have been 1,041,740 COVID-19 tests performed in WA. Of those, 140,174 were from regional WA.

To date, 64 cases of variant strains of concern have been detected in Western Australia – including 48 of the B.1.1.7 strain, 15 of the B.1.351 strain and one of the P1 variant (Brazilian variant).

Visit WA Health’s HealthyWA website for the latest information on COVID-19.

/Public Release. View in full here.