Years 11 And 12 Students Receive End-of-year Results

Tasmanian Government

More than 11,700 senior secondary students will receive their end-of-year 2024 results today from the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC).

Minister for Education, Jo Palmer, said she would like to congratulate all Years 11 and 12 students on their achievements throughout the year.

“Senior secondary school is a time of growth as you work towards your goals and expand your knowledge and skills in preparation for future study, training and employment,” Minister Palmer said.

“There are many options for Tasmania’s young people to pursue the future learning and the careers that they would like to pursue.

“Students from across the State have excelled in their studies, achieving outstanding Tertiary Entrance Score results over two years of senior secondary study.

“We’ve also seen fantastic results among those who took Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, with students demonstrating skill and determination in a range of fields like tourism, hospitality and construction.

“Supporting a job-ready generation of young Tasmanians is a key focus of our Government’s 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future.

“All of our senior secondary students can feel truly proud of their hard work, growth and achievement this year and look forward to a well-deserved summer holiday.”

TASC is emailing the 2024 course results progressively today, with all students being sent a printed copy of their results and certificates via mail.

Students who have any queries about their results are encouraged to visit the TASC website page Your results, including the FAQs for students on your results.

Top nine Tasmanian students by Tertiary Entrance Score (ATAR of 99.85 or above):

/Public Release. View in full here.