12 out of 21 new threatened animal species in 2024 are found in NSW

Australian Greens

A new report by the Australian Conservation Foundation, ACF’s “Extinction Wrapped” , has revealed that more than half of the Australian animal species newly threatened with extinction live in NSW. The report also highlights that the total number of new species threatened with extinction has risen by 41 to a total of 2,138 (as well as 107 ecological communities being threatened with extinction).

Greens MP and spokesperson for the environment Sue Higginson said “This report absolutely slams the promise from the NSW and Federal Labor Governments that there would be no new extinctions on their watch,”

“The truth is, the Albanese Government more than doubled the area of threatened species habitat approved to be cleared between 2023 and 2024 – as well as walking away from their proposed National environment regulator,”

“The Minns Labor Government in NSW is fully culpable for abandoning our environment and nature, with the Great Koala National Park still being logged almost two years after Labor were elected to protect it, and changes to biodiversity offsets that were pushed through Parliament on the last sitting day of 2024, will still allow critically endangered species’ habitat to be cleared. It’s political failure,”

“The decline in biodiversity in NSW and Australia is a crisis for all of us, we rely on a healthy environment to live. It’s shocking that neither NSW or Federal Labor understand nor care enough about this,” Ms Higginson said.

NSW Species:

Pugh’s Frog

Alpine Water Skink

Hunter Valley Delma

Granite Belt Leaf-Tailed Gecko

New England Leaf-Tailed Gecko

Common Greenshank

Black-Tailed Godwit

Latham’s Snipe

Grey Plover

Ruddy Turnstone

Sharp-Tailed Sandpiper

Terek Sandpiper

/Public Release. View in full here.