$4 million to support Australian wine producers to go global

Liberal Party of Australia

A re-elected Liberal and Nationals Government will pour another $4 million into helping our small and medium wine producers showcase their drops around the world.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said grants of up to $25,000 would be provided to support wine producers to promote their product in international markets.

“Our plan for a strong economy and stronger future backs in our world-leading wine producers to uncork new markets and create jobs in our regions,” the Prime Minister said.

Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said the wine industry was a major contributor to the Australian economy, supporting over 160,000 jobs and over $45 billion concentrated in regional Australia.

“This funding helps smaller to medium sized wine producers access the lucrative world market by promoting the Aussie product internationally as some of the safest, most sustainable and highest quality wine in the world,” Minister Littleproud said.

“This investment adds to our $85.9 million Agri-Business Expansion Initiative, which is also supporting the wine industry, which has been hit by global uncertainty and anti-dumping and countervailing duties by China.”

The funding will extend the popular Wine Exports Grants program, administered by Wine Australia, over the next four years. Over 250 grants have been provided to more than 100 wineries provided under the first two rounds.

Recipients will be able to harvest new markets and ensure the industry remains the premium choice for overseas palates.

The trade benefits flow back to growers, to workers and to the regions.

Eligible claims include the reimbursement of:

  • specific travel expenses for a single promotional visit (daily allowance, limits apply)
  • the cost of providing free samples of wine, including freight or transport
  • participation in trade fairs (including online and virtual promotions)
  • in-store promotions, and
  • marketing and advertising collateral specific to your international audience

The grants are open for applications covering expenses from July 2022.

Applications for the Wine Export Grants will be received and assessed on a demand driven basis until the grant program’s funds for that year have been fully committed, whichever comes first.

/Public Release. View in full here.