NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined Forest High School contractor ADCO Constructions the maximum penalty of $30,000 for discharging sediment-laden water into the local stormwater system, which flows into Curl Curl Creek.

EPA officers inspected the Allambie Heights construction site on 22 June 2024 following complaints from the community, where they observed brown, sediment-laden water running from the premises.

NSW EPA Executive Director of Operations Jason Gordon said sediment discharge could cause considerable harm to aquatic life and that ADCO Constructions had previously been warned of the need to improve sediment management at the site.

“Curl Curl Creek is a highly diverse aquatic ecosystem that hosts a population of the 90-million-year-old climbing galaxias freshwater fish species. Water pollution incidents of this nature have the potential to jeopardise their delicate natural habitat,” Mr Gordon said.

“Strict regulations around water pollution exist to safeguard the surrounding area, including sensitive local waterways, plants, and animals, and compliance is non-negotiable.

“At the time of the incident, adequate onsite pollution controls were not in place at the construction site, which is unacceptable.

“We acknowledge concerns raised by the local community and are committed to ensuring the contractor and its employees are taking all appropriate actions to minimise the impact of their work in the unique Manly Dam region.

“We have been inspecting the site since early 2024 and will maintain strong regulatory oversight to ensure all environment protection measures are being complied with and implemented as required.”

ADCO Constructions is contracted to build the new Forest High School at Allambie Heights for School Infrastructure NSW.

The company was issued an advisory letter and asked to take action to improve sediment management at the site earlier in the year after the EPA received community reports of turbid water being discharged from the premises during heavy rainfall in January.

We encourage the local community to report potential water pollution incidents to the EPA’s Environment Line on 131 555.

/Public Release.