Australian cotton industry releases secondSustainability ReportThe Australian cotton industry ‘s second five -year Sustainability Report released today hasrevealed producing a bale of cotton now takes 48% less water, 34% less land, and 97% lessinsecticides than in 1992.
By comparing performance from 2014 to 2019 in the industry’s eight most importantsustainability areas, the Australian Cotton Sustainability Report 2019 also shines a light on newareas the industry can improve.
Using data in the Report as a baseline, growers and other stakeholders will now be consulted incoming months on sustainability targets the industry should aim for in the next five to 10 years.
Cotton Australia CEO Adam Kay said the Report is an important step towards the industry’s aimof being a global leader in sustainable cotton production.
“Australian cotton growers have been quietly improving their sustainability for decades andshould take a moment to celebrate the industry’s collective achievements that are shown in theRepo rt,” Mr Kay said.
“Having said that, the Report also highlights areas the industry can do better in, such as the needto mak e greater efforts to reduce carbon emissions, improve nitrogen use efficiency, increase on -farm carbon sequestration in soil and native vegetation, and improve farm safety.
“We know if we get sustainability right it can reduce risk, improve efficiency, and grow ormaintain markets – and ultimately underpin our work to hand the next generation thriving farm sand a succ essful industry,” Mr Kay said.
Cotton Research and Development Corporation General Manager, R & D Investment, AllanWilliams said the industry will now use Report data to set five -year targets for 2024 and 2029.
and plans to achieve those targets.
“To be a global leader in sustainable cotton production, we need to set bold targets, ensure ourresearch and adoption program can get us to those targets, an d frequently and transparently shareprogress with stakeholders,” Mr Williams said.
“W e will be consulting with growers and other stakeholders inside and outside the industry onsetting the right level of ambition in our sustainability targets.
“The indu stry can point to long -term trends of significant improvement in areas it has focused onin the past, and we will draw on this experience to transform our performance in other areas in thefuture,” Mr Williams said.
2The 2019 Australian Cotton Sustainabil ity Report is part of the industry’s newPLANET. PEOPLE. PADDOCK. sustainability framework which guides the industry to setambitious targets, coordinate a whole -of -industry strategy to achieve these targets, and engageeffectively with stakeholders on act ions and progress.
To access the Report.