Australian Government continues big mission to improve food and nutrition in aged care

Department of Health

The Australian Government and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission are continuing the big mission to ensure all older Australians in aged care receive nutritious, safe and appetising food.

The commission’s dedicated Food, Nutrition and Dining Unit Hotline gives older people, their families and carers, and aged care workers and providers an easy way to raise concerns, get advice or make a complaint about the food, nutrition and dining in aged care.

Established by the Australian Government, the unit has expert dietitians and speech pathologists to provide advice, education and resources.

The unit has undertaken 720 targeted assessments with residential services to ensure they are providing residents with tasty, nutritious meals and an enjoyable dining experience.

Older people accessing aged care, their families and carers, providers and workers can call the Food, Nutrition and Dining Hotline on 1800 844 044.

The hotline’s work is just one way we’re reforming aged care to create a high-quality and accountable system that puts older people at the centre.

/Media Release. View in full here.