Victorians living in Ballarat are invited to co-design the world-leading ‘saturation model’, bringing together new and expanded programs, policies and services with a singular focus: to drive down the rates of family violence and men’s violence against women.
Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Natalie Hutchins and Respect Victoria today called for people who live and work in Ballarat to register their interest in helping co-design the model that will deliver a new coordinated approach to prevention.
Respect Victoria has been consulting extensively with the community and specialist family violence services in Ballarat to help shape and inform key elements of the model. Now, individuals and organisations are invited to apply for the co-design group, which will shape the way that the saturation model is rolled out across Ballarat.
The four-year saturation model will bring together every part of the community – from local sporting clubs, workplaces, community, organisations health services, council, schools, emergency services and more – to deliver a new coordinated approach to prevention.
In addition to local programs and services, the four-year saturation model will deliver stronger referral pathways between prevention programs and specialist response services, so people experiencing violence – or seeing early warning signs – can get the help they need as quickly as possible.
No community is immune to violence. It’s happening in homes across our state and nation. But because of the heartbreaking loss of three women in Ballarat last year, we know the people of Ballarat are more determined than anyone to put an end to violence.
The working group will meet for a number of face-to-face and online workshops between February and May. Respect Victoria will also host community roundtables focused on delivering prevention initiatives locally, open an online platform for community feedback, and recruit ‘community connectors’ to support further engagement.
This builds on the Labor Government’s package of reforms that will drive action at every stage: responding to victims when violence occurs, delivering a stronger justice response that holds offenders to account, and continuing Victoria’s world-leading prevention response – stopping violence before it starts.
The model is part of the Allan Labor Government’s $92.8 million Strengthening Women’s Safety Package announced in May 2024, which includes work to prevent violence and provide tailored responses for women and children who experience family violence, while keeping the focus on holding men who use violence accountable.
Expressions of interest are open until Friday, 7 February 2025. To apply for the co-design group, visit
As stated by Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Natalie Hutchins
“The saturation model means we’re using every opportunity to drive action and – making Ballarat and Victoria a world-leader in preventing and stopping violence before it starts.”
As stated by Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison
“This model will establish Ballarat as a leader, embracing new initiatives, ideas and insights in our work to prevent violence in our homes and across our community.”
As stated by Member for Eureka Michaela Settle
“We’re transforming the way we respond to violence, across Victoria and potentially across Australia by delivering the saturation model.”
As stated by Member for Ripon Martha Haylett
“This whole of community approach will combine local knowledge with expert evidence on what works to prevent violence against women.”
As stated by Respect Victoria CEO Helen Bolton
“Respect Victoria has been working closely with Ballarat leaders, individuals and organisations since the model was announced. We are proud to walk alongside these communities to support the co-creation of this model to prevent gender-based violence. The expertise and energy in Ballarat is already laying the foundations for change.”
As stated by Women’s Health Grampians CEO Marianne Hendron
“Women’s Health Grampians and the Communities of Respect & Equality (CoRE) Alliance welcome this exciting next phase of the saturation model roll out and look forward to engaging, along with our partners, in the co-design process. This is a tangible opportunity for all of the Ballarat community to come on board and contribute our ideas for action on how to make gender-based violence a thing of the past.”