Building watchdog TAKES action against UNION for ignoring safety rules & BULLYING workers


“Federal Court proceedings launched by the Australian Building and Construction Commission demonstrates once again the fiction being peddled by construction unions about the independent building industry regulator,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

It is alleged building unions broke a litany of Fair Work laws, including ignoring directions from workers to follow safety rules and to keep out of restricted construction site areas.

“This action exposes the hypocrisy and lies we hear from building unions who want the ABCC abolished,” she said.

ABCC documents confirm that the case will involve allegations that building unions breached OHS rules, obstructed and hindered workers, and engaged in illegal industrial action. The maximum penalty for each contravention of the Fair Work Act is $ 54,000 for a body corporate and $10,800 for an individual.

“Reduced safety and restricted access to workers are two myths building unions consistently raise in their smears against the ABCC,”Denita Wawn said.

“Not only are these myths completely wrong, this case shows that construction unions are happy to disregard for safety rules and bully employees if it suits them which is breathtaking hypocrisy,” she said.

“This proceeding shows why we need to keep the ABCC so they can continue to ensure everyone on building and construction sites play by the rules,” Denita Wawn said.

/Public Release.