Busted business confidence continues under Rockliff minority government 12 November 2024

Tas Labor

The latest NAB Monthly Business Survey has dealt another blow to Premier Rockliff, who has lost the confidence of the business community and bungled the new Spirits project to the point of international embarrassment.

According to the survey, business confidence is now the second worst in the nation for both confidence and conditions.

This latest indictment on Premier Rockliff’s leadership comes on the heels of the business community publicly declaring that its confidence in the Liberal minority government has been shattered. Recently, the TCCI said that “it will be very difficult to trust this Government again.”

The fact is Premier Rockliff has stuffed the Spirits, wrecked the GBEs and let down the tourism industry. Instead of delivering for Tasmania, the Liberal minority government is too busy fighting each other to get anything done.

Business doesn’t trust this government, and neither do Tasmanians.

Josh Willie MP

Shadow Treasurer

/Public Release. View in full here.