Carinity Orana homeless service transforming the lives of young people

When Rhiannon was just 16 years old, she found herself homeless after leaving a tumultuous family life behind.

After couch surfing and occasionally sleeping on the streets, Rhiannon’s school counsellor referred her to Orana, Carinity’s short-term accommodation for young people in crisis.

Carinity Christmas Appeal

Rhiannon said from the moment she first stepped inside Orana, she felt welcome, safe and supported. Little did she know at the time, just how much of an impact the stay would have on her future.

“I was already pretty independent when I arrived, so I tried not to rely on the staff too much, but it was a real comfort to know they were always there if ever I needed help,” Rhiannon said.

“There was a big focus on mental health and well-being, so always a friendly ear to listen and provide emotional support.

“There were two youth workers in particular who became like family to me – Tracey, a mum figure who had a soft spot for everyone but wouldn’t let you get away with things – and Nathan, a big brother type who was always encouraging us to get outside and be active.

“One of my most profound memories happened when Nathan was sitting on the couch with me and another resident. He told us that he was proud of us. It sounds simple, but I had never had anyone say that to me and I needed to hear it.

“It meant so much to realise there were people who actually cared about me, and it changed my life.

“I think if I hadn’t received the support I did, I would be in a darker place and not making the best life choices.”

Rhiannon said her time at Carinity Orana inspired her to become a youth worker herself and in a full circle moment, she is now back at the service helping other young people to get their lives on track.

“I was definitely inspired to pursue this career and give back,” she said.

“My experience as a resident here helps me relate to the young people I support because I’ve been in their shoes and know how hard life can be when you don’t have anyone in your corner.

“It was a bit strange at first because all the workers who supported me as a young person are now my colleagues, but I have such a strong connection to this place and love being here.

Carinity Orana supports up to five people aged 16 to 21 years at a time, providing the stability of a home environment, the privacy of individual bedrooms, and practical help to finish school or obtain employment.

“The environment is very friendly and non-judgmental. Our residents go to sleep at night knowing they’re safe and that someone’s always here for them.

“People usually stay for about three months, but it could be longer. It’s sad to say goodbye but at the same time it feels good to see them move on and head out into the world to pursue their dreams and goals with confidence,” Rhiannon said.

It is stories like Rhiannon’s that demonstrate how Carinity walks alongside people in their time of need. If you are in a position to donate this Christmas, we would be so grateful for your gift. Even the smallest donation can make a real difference to those who need it most.

There are two easy ways to give and all donations of $2 or more are tax deductible! Online using our secure donation form or by phoning 3550 3737.

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