Crucial move to protect kids actually has no funding

Tasmanian Labor

Rockliff-Ferguson Government’s important announcement to install Safeguarding
Officers in every school to provide protection to students has been revealed as
yet another matter of spin over substance.

Hearings today have confirmed that although Jeremy Rockliff made a significant
announcement around the officers, there is no additional money in his
government’s budget to fund them.

Tasmanians agree that protecting our children has to be the highest priority
but the fact is this government has made an art out of making announcements, only
to think about the details later.

officers are very important and are a key response to recommendations of the
Inquiry into the Education Department’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that
every school principal be required to appoint a Student Safeguarding Officer.

when you look at the budget, it’s clear there is no new money.

funding comes out of the existing Education Department budget – out of schools
and out of classrooms.

means the government is effectively asking teachers to do more with the same
funding at a time when they are under increasing pressure.

unacceptable that this government continues to chase headlines instead of

Despite this being the hallmark of a major announcement Premier Rockliff made less than two weeks ago and saying it is a big part of what he wants to achieve, there’s not a single cent to achieve it.

Josh Willie

Shadow Minister for Education

/Public Release. View in full here.