Design For $55 Million Leichhardt Pool Upgrade Released

Inner West Council

Media release

Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne

Inner West Council has today released final designs for the $55 million renovation of the Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre, the biggest upgrade ever undertaken of an Inner West pool.

With the Olympic and diving pools both having reached the end of their lifecycle, Council is undertaking a complete renovation of the Aquatic Centre that will secure its future for another 50 years to come.

Combined with the upcoming $40 million renovation of Leichhardt Oval, located next door to the Aquatic Centre, this will create a Leichhardt sport and recreation precinct that the Inner West community will enjoy for generations to come.

“This large-scale renovation of Leichhardt Pool is needed to secure the future of one of our most loved and best used facilities,” Mayor Darcy Byrne said.

“Such a large-scale project is challenging and expensive to deliver but we see upgrading and improving our public pools as an investment in the health and wellbeing of our local community.

“More than 763000 people walk through the doors of this Aquatic Centre each year. Many thousands of local families depend on the Centre for their exercise, rehabilitation and wellbeing, so it’s vital that we get this upgrade right.

“We have already delivered the awesome new Ashfield Aquatic Centre and saved Dawn Fraser Baths, now we are going to secure the future of Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre too.

“There are so many examples of councils walking away from public pools or mismanaging their renovations, we are determined to do the opposite, by carefully budgeting for and planning the upgrade of Leichhardt Pool.

“Now is the time for the community to review these designs and give us their feedback on how the upgrade of the Pool can meet the needs of our community.”

The renovation of the pool will be undertaken in two stages.

Stage 1 works on the Centre have already been approved, with works to commence in April 2025. This stage is focused on improving the children’s play and indoor pool usage and will include:

  • A new children’s splash and play area
  • Refurbishment of the children’s play pool
  • New heating systems, seating and shade structures

Stage 2 of the project, is the largest section of the upgrade, budgeted to cost $45.72M the design for which is being released today for public exhibition.

These works will deliver new facilities, including:

  • A new heated 50m Olympic pool
  • A new multiuse 25m pool with a moveable floor that can be used for water polo, learn to swim, aqua aerobics and other activities
  • Storage, lifeguard and first aid rooms
  • Spectator seating
  • Improved landscaped areas for recreation including BBQ’s and picnic areas
  • An accessibility lift.

Following public exhibition and community input the final designs will be reported to Council for adoption in March 2025 with works scheduled to commence in early 2026.

/Public Release. View in full here.