East Coast to benefit from Strategic Regional Partnership

Jeremy Rockliff, Premier

The Rockliff Liberal Government is developing our regions in line with their needs, to improve opportunities for Tasmanians in all parts of the State.

Premier Jeremy Rockliff said he was pleased to announce plans to expand the collaboration between Local Government and the State Government as part of the Strategic Regional Partnerships.

“Last year I announced our plan to focus on our regions, what is unique about them and what they need to thrive. This means looking at how we grow industry, ensure there are enough homes for workers, opportunities for young people, and the essential services and supports needed to attract more people beyond our major centres,” the Premier said.

“The first of these partnerships was with the West Coast Regional Council, with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding imminent.

“Today our Government undertakes to establish a Strategic Regional Partnership on the East Coast – extending from Orford through to St Helens.

“These Strategic Regional Partnerships will identify local challenges and support a long-term framework and regional direction for planning, investment and land use within the area.

“The Partnerships focus on practical solutions that address regional needs and growth, and bring together key decision makers from all levels of government, business, community and industry in the region.”

The Premier said the East Coast was rich in opportunities, but there were also challenges.

“The Government looks forward to further engagement with councils, communities, industry and local businesses along the East Coast to identify what is needed to ensure a vibrant, thriving East Coast region,” he said.

“We are planning for the long-term and delivering what matters most for Tasmanians.”

/Public Release. View in full here.