Jeremy Rockliff,Minister for Education and Training
More Tasmanian schools and businesses are set to benefit from construction projects advertised this weekend, providing important capital investment upgrades to student learning environments.
Tenders will be released for the construction of a new two room Kindergarten and playground at Spreyton Primary School, and the redevelopment of Molesworth Primary School including new contemporary learning spaces, removal of demountable classrooms upgrade of water infrastructure.
These facilities have been designed to provide open and flexible spaces for staff and students, featuring attractive modern learning environments that support contemporary learning approaches.
These building projects will help to stimulate the economy during COVID-19 while continuing to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to provide the best environments possible to learn and work.
The Tasmanian Government is committed to rebuilding our economy and supporting jobs throughout the state by funding projects that provide work for Tasmanian companies, and delivering vital maintenance projects.
In education, a total of $184.2 million is being invested across the state over the forward estimates in capital works which includes new schools, school upgrades, new Child and Family Learning Centres, new and upgraded kindergartens and school farm redevelopments.