The team at Dads4Kids is pleased to announce the release of our 2019 TV CSAs and congratulate Channel Seven across Australia, all regional free to air TV, all community channels and SBS TV for playing the CSAs. The ad features an Indigenous father John Kennedy reading to his children along with many other Dads having fun with their children:
Dads4Kids “Your Child Needs You” 60 second TV ad:
Dads4Kids “Your Child Needs You” 30 second TV ad:
In the lead up to Father’s Day Dads4Kids congratulates Australian fathers on their increasing level of commitment to their children. Dads4Kids would also like to congratulate the Australian TV, Radio & Print media who are working hard to promote fathers in a positive way.
Dads4Kids CEO, Warwick Marsh said, “All the social science research shows that the father-daughter relationship is just as important as the father-son relationship, if not more so. Dr Bruce Robinson author of ‘Daughters and Their Dads’, says there is an incredible power in the father-daughter relationship, power which strongly influences a woman’s future, for good or bad. Girls long for affection and affirmation from their fathers. The influence that fathers have on their daughters is profound and lasts the whole of their lives.”
Dads4Kids believes that fathers make a critical contribution to the destiny of their daughters through the father-daughter relationship.