A new report released by the Australian Government has described the potential benefits that Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites could have for the connectivity and functioning of our mining and agriculture sectors.
The report, Analysis of Low Earth Orbit satellites: implications for Australia’s agriculture and mining sectors, found Australia as an attractive market for LEO satellites. The agriculture and mining sectors are expected to see increased improvements in the productivity and efficiency of their operations through digital technologies supported by improved connectivity.
This increased connectivity combined with other technologies will have strong social and health benefits, including improved accessibility to emergency and safety services and reduced consumption of scarce resources.
While there is still room for growth in the use of digital technologies by agricultural businesses, addressing the challenges such as digital skills and costs are key to improved take-up.
The report will in part support the work of the LEOSat Working Group which brings together industry, regulators and the government’s First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group to guide future reforms and leverage the benefits of LEO satellites in Australia.
Further work is planned to better understand the specific benefits that LEO satellites could bring and their impacts on connectivity.