Futures Church Christmas Day Service. A Beacon of Hope in Troubled Times: Embracing the Christmas Spirit

Futures Church

A Beacon of Hope in Troubled Times: Embracing the Christmas Spirit

Futures Church Christmas Day Service 9.00am.

57 Darley Rd, Paradise SA 5075, South Australia Australia

Adelaide Australia – Amidst the challenges and uncertainties of our times, Futures Church invites everyone to rediscover the enduring hope and peace at the heart of Christmas. As we approach this sacred season, our message is one of unyielding faith and comfort found in the birth of Jesus Christ.

In a world grappling with crises and anxieties, from war, global health concerns to social and economic upheavals, the true essence of Christmas becomes even more relevant and vital. “The story of Christmas is a reminder of God’s unwavering love and presence in our lives, especially during times of trial,” says Pastor Josh Greenwood, Senior Associate Pastor, Futures Church Australia.

“It’s a time to hold onto faith, seek solace in community, and find strength in the message of hope brought by Jesus Christ.”

We also encourage individuals and families to engage in acts of kindness and support for those impacted by ongoing food and cost of living crises. “Let this Christmas be a time where we not only celebrate but also extend a helping hand and a listening ear to those around us,” adds Pastor Greenwood.

This Christmas, let us come together in faith and solidarity, embracing the true meaning of the season – a celebration of hope, peace, and God’s everlasting love through Jesus Christ.

/Public Release.