Two brilliant tween sisters leave civilization for the mysterious woods in the play “Rosa and Blanca,” a darkly funny fairy tale “very much not for children,” that will be performed at Ithaca’s Cherry Arts Nov. 8-17. Cornell’s Department of German Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) is planning some collaborative events.
“Rosa and Blanca” playwright Rebekka Kricheldorf will discuss her work with Samuel Buggeln, the play’s director and artistic director of Cherry Arts, on Nov. 12 at 5 p.m. in Goldwin Smith Hall Room 258, in an event organized by German studies and co-sponsored by the Departments for Performance and Media Arts and Comparative Literature, as well as the Institute for German Cultural Studies. Their conversation, which will be in English, is open to the public.
“Rebekka Kricheldorf is one of the foremost dramatists in Germany, and she is an especially astute writer and thinker of the comic and comedy,” said Elke Siegel, associate professor of German studies and department chair (A&S).
Kricheldorf, who lives in Berlin, has created more than 40 new and translated theater works. “Rosa Und Blanca” premiered in 2006, commissioned by Staatstheater Kassel, Germany. This will be its first professional production for an English-language audience.
Read the full story on the College of Arts and Sciences website.