Government strengthening frontline search and rescue capability

  • Hon Simeon Brown
  • Hon Matt Doocey

The Government has delivered a funding boost to upgrade critical communication networks for Maritime New Zealand and Coastguard New Zealand, ensuring frontline search and rescue services can save lives and keep Kiwis safe on the water, Transport Minister Simeon Brown and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say.

“New Zealand has one of the largest maritime search and rescue zones in the world. To coordinate search and rescue teams across vast distances, Maritime New Zealand rely upon the National Maritime Distress and Safety Communications Service (NMDSCS). Our Government is proud to announce we will be upgrading this vital piece of communications infrastructure to make it easier for Maritime New Zealand to undertake their lifesaving work,” Mr Brown says.

“Modernising the NMDSCS will saves lives. This funding will ensure the new system aligns with international standards and will enable Maritime New Zealand to handle high traffic on our waters effectively. Without this funding, there is a real risk to safety on the water as the existing system nears the end of its operational life.”

The Government is also supporting Coastguard New Zealand in upgrading its critical Very High Frequency (VHF) maritime radio network, replacing outdated infrastructure with modern and reliable technology.

“The VHF maritime radio network plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between vessels in need and rescue teams. However, the current system is outdated and in need of an upgrade to meet the increasing demands of our recreational and commercial maritime sectors,” Mr Brown says.

“This urgently needed investment will provide Coastguard with the reliable infrastructure required to respond to emergencies. The upgraded network will futureproof communications, providing a lifeline to those in distress and helping ensure Kiwis on the water make it home safely.”

The upgrades to both the NMDSCS and Coastguard’s VHF network come at a time when New Zealand’s maritime activities are growing, placing greater pressure on communication networks.

“Our Government’s upgrade of these core pieces of communication infrastructure will ensure that search and rescue operations on our waters are better resourced and prepared, particularly for busy summer seasons when the demand for these life-saving services is at its peak,” Mr Doocey says.

“Maritime New Zealand and Coastguard New Zealand do an incredible job saving lives, and our Government is committed to strengthening their ability to respond to emergencies swiftly and effectively. This investment will strengthen New Zealand’s rescue resilience and improve safety on our waters.”

/Public Release. View in full here.