Live Local Love Local – Helping Our Communities Thrive

Kempsey Shire Council

The year is off to a running start, with a busy couple of weeks at Council as we gear up for the upcoming Australia Day Awards and Citizenship ceremony, which will be held at the Slim Dusty Centre on Sunday 26 January. This is always a great day, with heaps of enthusiasm and love for the locals who contribute so much and are nominated for the various awards.

Speaking of enthusiasm, there was a great buzz in our towns and villages over the Christmas and New Year period, with lots of locals and visitors out and about, enjoying our beautiful beaches, waterways and dining out in our quality cafes and restaurants.

Tourism is an important part of our economic makeup of the Macleay Valley, with over 700,000 visitors to the Shire every year, spending around $340million right here in the Kempsey Shire. Our Holiday Parks host 80,000 of those visitors every year, with those funds benefiting all of us who live here.

And for us locals, spending our money in the community helps our big and small businesses do great things for the rest of the year. Local retailers not only reinvest with other businesses, but they also employ local staff, sponsor sports and events, and contribute to the unique cultural fabric of the community.

I’ve had the privilege to visit some great local businesses recently, including some of our manufacturing powerhouses, who are not only pillars of our local industry here in the Shire, but key contributors to national and global markets. Nestle, Akubra and DGI Trading are international players who are proud to call Kempsey home, and contribute to growing opportunities, jobs and prosperity for our community.

I’d like to encourage everyone to keep spending your dollars locally, take advantage of our new Kempsey cash initiative, and know that with every dollar spent at independent locally owned businesses, you are helping to generate $1.80 in positive benefits.

Hopefully the new year is treating you well, and I hope to see some of you at the Slim Dusty Centre this Australia Day!

/Public Release. View in full here.