Major funding boost for Townsville early intervention program

Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support and Minister for Corrective Services The Honourable Laura Gerber

Major funding boost for Townsville early intervention program

  • The Crisafulli Government is delivering on its commitment to provide Gold Standard Early Intervention to Townsville and fix Labor’s youth crime crisis to restore safety to the region.
  • $1.8 million investment will be provided to Community Gro to ensure its operations through to 2028.
  • Community Gro provides after hours services to help young people at risk of offending.

The Crisafulli Government is delivering on a major funding commitment to provide Gold Standard Early Intervention to Townsville and fix Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis.

A $1.8 million investment will be provided to Community Gro, to secure the future of its operations in Garbutt until 2028.

Community Gro provides after hours services to help young people at risk of offending, by providing them with access to education, mental health support and assisting with developing social and life skills.

Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support Laura Gerber said the funding was proof of the Crisafulli Government’s commitment to deliver groundbreaking early intervention programs to divert young people away from a life of crime, and to restore safety where you live.

Labor’s weak crime laws and failure to deliver Gold Standard Early Intervention has left Queensland with a generation of hardcore repeat youth offenders,” Minister Gerber said.

“I’ve seen firsthand the fantastic work Community Gro is doing to help keep the local community safe by running a diversionary service for at-risk young people.

“We are providing the means to ensure they can keep their doors open, after Labor cut their funding last year, so they can focus on supporting young people who need their help to turn away from a life of crime.

“Unravelling a decade of weak youth crime laws is a process, but this is the first step to delivering what we promised, to restore safety where you live and have fewer victims of crime.”

Member for Townsville Adam Baillie said, the region has been ground zero of Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis and this funding will help to restore safety to the community and give at risk kids the best change at turning away from crime.

“This investment gives Community Gro the funding certainty they need to support the community into the future and that is great news for Townsville,” Mr Baillie said.

“We made a commitment to the people of Townsville and today we are delivering on that promise.”

Community Gro CEO, Kathrin Meehan, said they are thrilled to continue delivering services at the Garbutt Youth Hub with the help from the Crisafulli Government.

“This ongoing funding is crucial in ensuring we can support our young people to make safe choices, build resilience, and achieve their life goals,” Ms Meehan said.

“By investing in their futures, we are fostering a stronger, safer, and more connected community.”

/Public Release. View in full here.