- Miles Government extends Gold Coast On Demand Transport (ODT) as 50 cent fares begin next week
- Cheaper public transport applies to ODT as well as buses, trains and light rail across Gold Coast and south east
- More than 184,000 trips taken in first phases of ODT trial
Gold Coasters commuters will tap onto saving when the Miles Government’s 50 cent public transport fares begins on Monday, August 5.
The cheaper public transport applies to buses, trains, light rail as well as the city’s ODT trial, which Gaven MP Meaghan Scanlon announced would be extended.
Meaghan Scanlon secured the ODT trial, which offers a more personalised public transport service in locations where regular public transport services are not available or possible.
It means people can continue to connect with essential services, shops and employment as well as connecting with other public transport services.
Patronage on the service has grown steadily with more than 184,000 passenger trips taken since it was introduced.
ODT is regularly used by commuters, with 45 per cent of users traveling to and from work, and 68 per cent of trips connecting with other forms of public transport.
As stated by Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon:
“We’re doing what matters for Gold Coasters, tackling the cost of living with cheaper public transport, cheaper rego and more ways to travel.
“It means from Monday, Gold Coasters can hop on a train, bus or tram to any part of our city or the entire south east for just 50 cents per trip.
“Our community has backed ODT all the way with close to 100 per cent of people saying they’re advocates for the service, which is why I’m proud that I fought to extend it.
“Only the Miles Government backs better transport for the coast, unlike the LNP who cut bus services in the Gaven electorate when David Crisafulli was last in office. Public transport on the Gold Coast is all at risk to be cut under the LNP.”
As stated by Kinetic – Executive General Manager Martin Hall:
“Passengers love the convenience of On Demand Transport and we are pleased the service will continue to connect the community of the northern Gold Coast with major transport hubs and activity centres.
“It’s a convenient and cost-effective way to get around and with close to 200,000 trips completed the numbers speak for themselves.
“Providing connections to high frequency bus routes, heavy rail and light rail is vitally important to increasing the use of public transport and reducing the number of cars on our roads.
“Services like On Demand Transport provide these connections and support more sustainable transport in our city.”