New Charter to guarantee better access for hunting and fishing

  • Hon Todd McClay

Minister for Hunting and Fishing Todd McClay has today launched an Access Charter (the Charter) to ensure better access for recreational hunting and fishing on public conservation land (PCL) across New Zealand.

“This Charter establishes guiding principles for the Department of Conservation (DOC) to provide clear and transparent decisions on PCL access that makes it easier for kiwis to go hunting and fishing.

“As Minister for Hunting and Fishing, I want to make sure every New Zealander who wants to get out and enjoy themselves, feed their families or help manage game animal populations can do so easily.

Every year 1.2m people hunt and fish recreationally. The Charter guarantees a common and consistent approach to access across all regions and ensures that PCL will always be open for recreational use and that DOC will only limit this use rarely.

“This Charter will help DOC to provide uniform rules and guidance across the country, making it clear and consistent for all.

“The Charter is the first of its kind and a significant step towards preserving New Zealand’s hunting and fishing heritage while safeguarding the experience for generations of Kiwi’s to come.”

/Public Release. View in full here.