New fire station to protect rapidly expanding Perth community

  • Cook Government officially opens the new $14.5 million Cardup Fire Station
  • New fire station to boost emergency services in booming south-east corridor
  • Opening of new station fulfils a major election commitment
  • A total of 36 career firefighters start operations at Cardup facility from 1 February

The Cook Government has futureproofed the demand for emergency services in one of Western Australia’s fastest-growing areas with the opening of the new $14.5 million Cardup Fire Station.

The new station fulfils a major Labor Government election commitment for a state-of-the-art Career Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) station to enhance incident response in the rapidly growing south-east housing corridor.

More than 32,000 Western Australians call the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale home, with the population increasing by more than 80 per cent over the previous decade.

Population growth will continue with the completion of the Cook Government’s new METRONET rail extension to Byford and the extension of Tonkin Highway, lifting the need for more emergency services to protect the rapidly expanding communities.

The Cook Government has provided $10.5 million to build the new Cardup Fire Station with an additional $2 million for the acquisition of land and $2 million for three state-of-the-art fire appliances to support the new facility.

The station will be staffed by 36 CFRS firefighters. This is in addition to the 36 firefighters the State Government has delivered to regional WA in this term and a further commitment last year for an additional 60 CFRS firefighters.

As stated by Premier Roger Cook:

“My Government is focused on keeping Western Australians safe, which is why we are investing in emergency services facilities, equipment and personnel to protect our communities.

“We recognised there would be a need for more emergency services resources in Perth’s booming south-east corridor and have now fulfilled our election commitment to deliver a modern fire station for the district.

“By investing in an extra 132 firefighters in this term of government – the biggest boost for the Career and Fire Rescue Service in more than 50 years – we have placed a strong emphasis on public safety.

“It will ensure communities across our vast State will be protected well into the future.”

As stated by Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson:

“After comprehensive research, the new Cardup Fire Station was strategically located on a site that covered the current needs of the community and the future demands of a rapidly growing part of Perth.

“I’m proud to see this State Government project come to fruition and I know it will be pivotal in protecting lives, homes and infrastructure in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and surrounds.

“The station has also lived up to our Government’s wish for the new facility to reflect its surrounds, with the Darling Range, local geology and Cardup Brook incorporated in designs on the building.

“Firefighter wellbeing has been paramount in our plans and design of the new facility with the station featuring a gym and outdoor fitness space, quiet areas for respite and recovery and private spaces to support gender diversity.”

As stated by Darling Range MLA Hugh Jones:

“Our community is keenly aware of the risk of bushfire, especially through these hot summer months, and the volunteers and career firefighters who keep our community safe need all the support they can get.

“That was the basis of our Government’s commitment to deliver the new $14.5 million Cardup Fire Station.

“Opening the doors of this state-of-the-art facility today delivers on our Government’s promise to back our firefighters, enhance their capacity to respond to incidents, and support them to do the job they do best.”

As stated by Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Darren Klemm AFSM:

“Our wonderful emergency services volunteers have done an outstanding job over decades answering calls for help in and around the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale. The community couldn’t have done this without you.

“With a growing population more resources are needed to meet the challenges for emergency services in that part of the outer metropolitan area – now and in the decades to come.

“The new Cardup Fire Station will not just be a new facility for career firefighters but it will also serve to support volunteers, further strengthening our resources in the area to keep the community safe.

“It is also important to consider the welfare of our firefighters and Cardup’s new station was planned with their input and ideas from around Australia, resulting in improvements to the layout and design, reducing exposure to contaminations when crews return from incidents.”

/Public Release. View in full here.