New South Australian Suicide Stats: World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

Suicide Prevention Australia

Dear South Australian Newsrooms & Programs,

Please find new South Australian figures showing the community’s suicide concerns and impacts. These are released on World Suicide Prevention Day today to coincide with the release of Suicide Prevention Australia’s inaugural State of the Nation report (see below).
  • 57% of South Australian adults report personally knowing someone who has died by suicide. That equates to an estimated 840,000 Queenslanders. South Australians are most concern in the country about suicide rates rising in the wake COVID19 over the past 12 months.
  • Includes economy and jobs (62%, +7%pp); Social Isolation (72%, +5%pp); Family and Relationships (60%, +8%); Drugs and Alcohol (76%, 6%)
  • This includes the biggest spike in the country about cost-of-living and personal debt driving up suicide rates.
  • Comes as 1 in 5 South Australians are estimated to have lost a family member to suicide.
  • 19% of South Australians report visiting a suicide prevention service on their behalf – or someone else’s.
/Public Release.