Prospect Highway upgrade completion delivers motorway conditions

The upgrade has transformed an undivided road with a single lane in each direction into a modern motorway with six lanes between St Martins Crescent and Blacktown Road and four lanes between Blacktown Road and Reservoir Road.

The upgrade delivers 3.6 kilometres of wider, smoother and safer road, enabling a speed limit increase from 60 km/h to 70 km/h between Reservoir Road and the M4 Motorway off-ramps.

The upgraded road also features:

  • a kerb-side bus lane
  • upgrades to the shared path on the western side
  • a new kiss-and-ride facility at Shelley Public School to keep children safely away from the highway
  • a new pedestrian underpass structure
  • two new bridges.

The project was equally funded by the Australian and NSW governments.

/Public Release. View in full here.