More Tasmanian small businesses will be supported to thrive as part of a new $400,000 Multicultural Small Business Grant Program.
Minister for Small Business and Hospitality, Jane Howlett, said the growth of Tasmania’s multicultural sector was having significant flow-on effect to the small business community.
“Our multicultural sector’s drive is clearly evidenced through the contribution community members from overseas are making in starting and running small businesses across the State,” Minister Howlett said.
“We know how important it is to support our multicultural community, and there’s no better way to do this than by helping multicultural small businesses to grow and undertake projects that help them develop even stronger communities and enhance our regions.”
Minister Howlett said grants between $700 and $5,000 would be available under the Multicultural Small Business Grant Program to help finance projects that build capability and new skills.
“Projects might include building a website, developing strategic marketing plans, or providing advice, coaching or training,” Minister Howlett said.
“We have delivered significant support for our multicultural communities in recent years, including establishing the Moonah Multicultural Hub, funding a northern multicultural hub, and launching the Safe Haven Hub, providing education, support and employment pathways for refugees.
“This new two-year grant program is a continuation of our support, which is delivering on our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, and I look forward to hearing about the different projects that are delivered.”
The Multicultural Small Business Grant Program guidelines are available on the Business Tasmania website and the program will open on 19 November 2024.