The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is planning a hazard reduction burn in Coorabakh National Park, north of Taree, starting Sunday 22 September 2024, weather and conditions permitting.
The 72 hectare ‘Starrs Creek HR – Stage 2’ aims to provide a fuel reduced zone within Coorabakh National Park, aiding in the suppression of bushfire in the area.
The burn will also stimulate reproduction of the critically endangered Banksia conferta within the prescribed burn area.
NPWS crews will be working on roads and trails throughout Coorabakh National Park to implement the burn. The public are advised that smoke may affect roads in the area and motorists are reminded to exercise caution when driving along roads in the area.
Hazard reduction burns are essential to reduce bushfire fuel loads to help protect parks, neighbours and communities from future bushfires. Fires such as this one are also specifically planned to have an ecological outcome.
All burns around the state are coordinated with the NSW Rural Fire Service.